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Applet security (was Re: ActiveX security hole reported).

At 11:54 AM 8/21/96 EDT, David M. Chess wrote:
>Well, here's one rather obvious scenario:
>  - Java gets signature-authentication (as promised),
>  - All major browsers add an option to discard any
>    objects (applets, ActiveX controls, and so on)
>    that are not signed by a registered-as-trusted
>    party,
>  - therefore the only objects that anyone will
>    realistically be able to use over the open Web
>    will be objects produced and signed by parties
>    that are in everyone's trust-database.  We can
>    speculate who that might be, but the makers of
>    browsers and operating systems seem like very
>    likely candidates, since systems can ship with
>    their public keys pre-installed!   *8)

The above is too binary for me (either I trust everything that's signed or
not).  What I really want is authorization based on who signed the applet
or by anything signed by a particular CA.  Any unsigned applet should be
relegated to working within the limited sandbox given to it by the browser.

I would then allow local filesystem access to applets signed by FOO, or by
users-with-certs-from-CAxxx, and/or allow remote network connections by
applets signed by FU and/or by users-with-certs-fromCAyyy&zzz...

Until then, how can I possibly trust automatically-loaded/run downloadable code?
I may trust one person signed by a particular CA to write applets that I'll
run outside of a sandbox, but not everyone that this particular CA trusts...

I haven't had time to keep up with what's being done in this area, so if some-
one is already working on the above (fine grain authz, not just signing) I'd 
like to hear about it...

